Fluke Networks Network & Wireless Cards Driver Download For Windows 10
It was quite annoying, however, to find the driver software for the USB dongle; you need to create an account on the Proxim site simply to download the Windows drivers. Once I was actually able to run the AirCheck application, I was disappointed to see that the UI definitely put flash over function. Fluke Networks has put an end to the guessing game with the NetTool Series II Inline Network Tester. NetTool combines powerful NetProve diagnostics, inline Gigabit vision, VoIP Phone PC configuration testing in one palm-sized tool, so you'll have everything you need to quickly resolve even the toughest connectivity problem.
Fluke Networks Tone Generator and Probe Kit MT-8200-60-KIT. Size/Dimensions: TONER Dimensions: 5.54' x 2.94' x 1.25' PROBE Dimensions: 8.73' x 1.88' x 1.26' Item Count: IntelliTone Pro 200 LAN Toner and Probe Kit Includes: IntelliTone 200 LAN Toner and 200 Probe, coax F connector adapter, (2) RJ11 and (2) RJ45 patch cables, test leads with alligator clips, (2) lanyards, quick start guide,. Fluke Networks LinkRunner AT Network Auto-Tester is the fastest way to solve network connectivity problems. This rugged, handheld network tester takes the guesswork out of troubleshooting with its complete one-button AutoTest. The AutoTest performs your required set of connectivity tests in 10 seconds, enabling you to accurately and quickly.
This zipfile includes everything needed to upgrade a Versiv product to Firmware v6.5 Build 5 and install LinkWare PC v10.7 Download this zipfile and the installation instructions below to install LinkWare PC v10.7 and upgrade your Versiv products. Versiv Firmware v6.5 Build 5 supports Versiv Cable Certification Products (DSX CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber Pro, OptiFiber Pro, FI2-7300 MPO Inspection Camera, and FI2-7000 FiberInspector Pro)
Fluke Networks Otdr
Supports Versiv Firmware v6.5 build 5 release. Use this if installing on a PC that does not have internet access.
Instructions on how to install LinkWare PC v10.7 and update a Versiv product to Firmware Version v6.5 Build 5.
Supports Versiv Firmware v6.5 build 5 Release. Note: Internet access is required during installation.
This document contains information on the copper and fiber test limits found within the DSX-5000 and DSX-8000 CableAnalyzers, CertiFiber Pro OLTS, OptiFiber Pro OTDR and FI-7000 FiberInspector. A PDF reader is required.
Please install the latest version of LinkWare PC first
This is the operating system for your CableIQ Tester. You load it into the CableIQ using the CableIQ Reporter Software (above).
Fluke Networks Manual
This zipfile includes everything needed to upgrade a FI-3000 FiberInspector probe to Firmware v2.1.1 Download this zipfile and the instructions to upgrade your FI-3000 camera.
This zipfile includes everything needed to upgrade a Versiv product to Firmware v6.5 Build 5 and install LinkWare PC v10.7 Download this zipfile and the installation instructions below to install LinkWare PC v10.7 and upgrade your Versiv products. Versiv Firmware v6.5 Build 5 supports Versiv Cable Certification Products (DSX CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber Pro, OptiFiber Pro, FI2-7300 MPO Inspection Camera, and FI2-7000 FiberInspector Pro)
Supports Versiv Firmware v6.5 build 5 release. Use this if installing on a PC that does not have internet access.

Instructions on how to install LinkWare PC v10.7 and update a Versiv product to Firmware Version v6.5 Build 5.
Supports Versiv Firmware v6.5 build 5 Release. Note: Internet access is required during installation.
Fluke Networks Wiki
NOT REQUIRED when using LinkWare PC Software 10.5.